Bingo/Casino Director

Bingo/Casino Director

Coordinate and oversee any fundraising activities including, but not limited to:

  • Bingos & Casinos
    • Attend GM, and AGM on behalf of and representing SPFA.  This is mandatory for us to maintain membership with Parkland Bingo Association
    • Fill our volunteer requirement for each scheduled Bingo
      • Learn the Parkland Bingo Association requirements, guidelines, and penalty system
      • Advertise for volunteers - Webmaster can help or Bingo Coordinator can do this themself
      • Schedule bingo volunteers
      • Confirm bingo volunteers one week prior to event
      • Arrange for backup bingo workers in case of all spots not filled one week prior to bingo
      • Obtain cheque from treasurer for day of bingo to cover concession
      • If necessary obtain cash to pay backup workers
      • An ‘experienced’ chairperson must attend every bingo - this does not necessarily have to be the Bingo Director, but the club has found it works best if it is. Therefore the Bingo Director should expect to attend every scheduled bingo.

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